Page 5 - NBIZ February 2021
P. 5
What would happen if one began by
understanding one’s purpose? Why is
one here at this moment? The On-Pur-
pose Person, a book by Kevin McCarthy,
suggests being on purpose is having the
light switch on, and being off purpose is
having that same light switch off.
Thinking about this simple concept,
what makes one’s switch go on? And
conversely, what makes one’s switch go
off? When your light switch is on, there
is energy and light; one can see where
he/she is going and not “running
blind” into the night.
After one discovers and rediscovers
one’s purpose, then he/she should ar-
ticulate one’s values. In many instanc-
es, what one values may also be one’s
talents. For example, if one values
integrity, then one’s interactions will
demonstrate that integrity. Within
those interactions, people view integ-
rity as a strength. This is especially So often people fail to ignore what is right
true in the professional world of sales. in front of them and continue to do what
People buy from people they know and
trust. Writing down one’s values into he/she have always done. The results never
a “Value Statement,” reinforces one’s change except the continued draining of
purpose and helps to keep one from
“running on empty.” one’s energy, one’s mental acuity, and one’s
Next, one should think: where does
he/she see the “light”? This is one’s emotions. Leaving people “running on
vision, the vanishing light on the hori- empty, running blind, running into the sun
zon where one’s purpose walks with
them. In many instances, one’s vision but running behind.”
may change because one’s personal
and/or professional life changes.
Once one understands with clarity
his/her purpose, values, and vision, Ethics and Beliefs. Additionally, when to Purpose, Values, Vision and Mission,
then one should write his/her mission. one’s mental acuity suffers, often so Realistically High and -Time-Driven)
For some, this may be two missions, does one’s physical health. criteria. By including these criteria
one personal and one professional, As to one’s professional life wheel, within each goal, it will help to ensure
which requires balance because a there are six areas including Time goal achievement.
personal life off balance impacts one’s Management, Inter-Personal Skills, One aspect of goal planning,
professional life. Leadership, Production Management, setting, and achievement that is often
Buddha understood and framed the Team Player (relationships), and lacking is emotions. Achieving a goal
concept of balance in our lives. Today Organizational Skills. There is also a is far more of an emotional satisfaction
one’s life is more like two wheels united counterbalance within this wheel such than an intellectual one. When we
with an axle. Each wheel has different as when Time Management is suffer- emotionalize the goal by writing down
spokes separating the various aspects ing Production Management takes a all the pluses for achieving the goal
of one’s life. negative hit. and all the minuses for not achieving
One’s personal life has eight areas With change happening at what the goal, it helps to build the emotion-
in between the spokes: Purpose, almost appears to be the speed of al fuel necessary to continue work
Mental, Career, Family, Ethics and light, writing a mission statement towards successful goal completion.
Beliefs, Physical, Financial, and Social. probably should only be for one year. Additionally, planning includes
I believe there is a counterbalance There should be goals written using identifying all the known and un-
also in play. For example, when one’s the WAY SMART (Written, Actionable, known (potential) obstacles that may
Purpose is off, it may impact one’s Yours, Specific, Measureable, Aligned interfere in the achievement of the
NBIZ ■ February 2021 5