Page 6 - DEC2022
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One’s purpose is connected to Peter Drucker is quoted as saying, to strangers.” Then, as time goes by,
one’s key values. In real estate, my “Leadership is all about results.” I those “don’ts” evolve into “can’ts.”
purpose hasn’t changed. My value have refined his definition to this: One must not think about all the
statement has been altered some- “Leadership is about securing the pre- negatives of why one “can’t” do some-
what and now is simply “The Grit determined, desired results through thing instead of why one can.
and Gratitude Agent”. I continue to the demonstration of clearly articu- Henry Ford said, “If you think
demonstrate grit even more so in lated positive core values.” Without you can or you think you cannot,
real estate than in my other roles as “predetermined, desired results,” a either way, you are right.” Human
an executive consultant, sales coach, leader may go haphazardly through beings are amazing. We have traveled
public education teacher, salaried to the moon, created an artificial
salesperson, purchasing agent, jour- intelligence that mimics human
nalist, and sales manager because of thought and actions, and cured many
the incredibly different scenarios diseases. Without one’s innate desire
I engage in daily. to move forward, as people, we
Gratitude is something I would still be in the Stone Age.
have always had but now Authenticity focuses not just
since I am dealing with on the present but also on
more decision-makers the future and how one
on a one-on-one can make it better.
basis, gratitude Judy Garland Returning to the
appears to be more holidays, as you
recognized and present your gifts to
appreciated by said, others or open your
my clients. This own gifts, think about
means going the how this gift will help
extra mile with a “Always be a first-rate version you or the receiver
smile on my face of yourself, instead of a in the present and
and always being moving forward into
appreciative of my second-rate version of the future.
personal and profes- So, what gift will
sional connections. somebody else.” you give yourself? This
Marcus Tullius gift is not one wrapped
Cicero said: “Gratitude up in a box with a pretty
is not only the greatest of bow. No, this gift comes from
virtues but the parent of all the insight of others or a past
the others.” experience of yours that now has
Reflecting upon one’s sales practical application. Judy Garland
process, one should ask themselves, said, “Always be a first-rate version
“Am I being real?” Also, one should of yourself, instead of a second-rate
think about, “What does that look version of somebody else.”
like for you?” One should continually life, with no plan. We all know of Authenticity helps one gain
question if he/she acknowledges what leaders who lacked clearly articulated clarity. One becomes aware of what is
he/she does not know. One should positive core values. These so-called happening around oneself and those
not think about the commission or leaders did whatever they needed to surrounding them. Upon reflection,
“closing the deal” but instead about do to achieve their own results and one can connect to the words of the
the customer or client. usually to the detriment of others. comic character Popeye who under-
The simplest way to be real is Do you know what you do well as stood the bottom line of being “real”
to ask yourself, “How do I wish to a leader? Or are you so focused on when he said in that grave voice, “I
buy?” “Think about what turns you your weaknesses that you lack clari- am what I am.” N
off when you make purchases. Then ty about your actual strengths? Have
think about what excites you about you invested the time to learn what Leanne Hoagland-Smith is a clarity
making that new purchase. you do well through the perspective strategist, solving people and process
Being “real” involves knowing of others? problems. As a thought leader who
and leading yourself. People are all Human beings are unfortunately challenges the status quo, she turns
leaders because one must lead them- negatively conditioned from those tomorrow’s goals into today’s results.
selves before he/she can lead others. first early “Don’ts” as in “Don’t talk Follow her on Twitter @CoachLee.
6 NBIZ ■ December 2022