Page 5 - NBIZ MAGAZINE December 2021
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are showing the employees around for a Friday evening to send out an anything that came their way and
them that this is acceptable behavior. email to an Accounts Payable employee were doers. The scammer took advan-
This can range from using a simple asking him to send out a payment tage of the fact that there was this
“shortcut” in a procedure, to using a to a “new” vendor for $450,000. The submissive culture within the firm of
personal computer that has not been email had a sense of urgency attached not questioning anything that came
approved by IT. Employees who see to it as well as clear instructions that in from a position of power, vis-à-vis
leaders not complying with these required the employee to pay the the CFO. This is a classic case where
measures may start to question why vendor that very evening. The employ- the scammer took complete advantage
they have to do them or may follow ees in this company never questioned of a poor security culture.
suit without asking for approval.
Understanding Information
D Security. While leaders within an
organization may not be information
security experts, they should be pro-
vided with additional training. Having
this knowledge will allow the leaders
to better explain information security
to the employees around them as well
as reduce the likelihood of the individ-
uals being involved in any incidents or
events which may reduce their credibil-
ity within the organization.
Being Involved. Leaders within
E the organization should be made
aware of or involved in the creation of
items such as the Incident Response
Plan, Business Continuity Plan, Disas-
ter Recovery Plan, and other key proce-
dures. While leaders may not need
access to all the details, being aware of
such information may allow them to
better contribute to the organization.
Why is Culture Important?
As an often-overlooked portion of
“people, processes, and technology”,
internal culture and security awareness
are often the only things that come
between an organization and a success-
ful social engineering attack. A security
awareness culture will encourage em-
ployees to question suspicious activity,
be more resilient to social engineering
attacks, and will adhere to defined
policies, procedures, and controls.
A manufacturing firm suffered
from a business email compromise in
mid-2021. Business Email Compromise
(BEC) is an exploit in which an attack-
er obtains access to a business email ac-
count and imitates the owner's identity,
in order to defraud the company and
its employees, customers, or partners.
In this case, the scammer posed as the
CFO. The scammer followed and waited
NBIZ ■ December 2021 5