Page 17 - NBIZ MAGAZINE December 2021
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behaviors (the individual behaviors five is to earn the sales and is followed Within this Business Model Canvas,
of ALL employees) reflective of those by step six, which is delivering the sale. 10 key areas are noted beginning with:
expectations? The answer could be Within this second phase, again
Yes, No, Maybe, or Do Not Know. there are specific skills and behaviors B Key Partners – Who help you
If the answer is yes, then identify such as researching potential qualified achieve your final results?;
the specific behaviors. If no or maybe, customers and market trends. Addi- C Key Activities – What You Need
identify what behaviors conflict with tional skills and behaviors include: to Do?;
your brand. If do not know is chosen, asking open-ended questions; active
invest the time to undertake research listening; observing body language; D Value Proposition – How You Help
both externally with customers and turning stalls into objections; or Support;
industry, and internally with all of overcoming objections; achieving E Customer Relationships – How
your employees. Here is how a compa- agreement (mini-closes) as to the sale; You Interact (Your Emotional
ny’s true culture will surface. At the making sure the sale is delivered with Intelligence);
end of the day, your brand requires customer’s 100% satisfaction, which
alignment to your overall strategic means, on time and on budget with F Customer Segments – Who You
thinking plan and the three (3) phases no surprises. After this phase, if the Help or Support;
of the sales process: Marketing, sale is not delivered successfully, one G Key Resources – Who You Are
Selling, and Keeping. cannot ask for a referral. and What You Have to Offer;
The final phase is Keeping. Here is H Why You Do What You Do
The Second Gift where many in sales fail. If you have (Your Purpose);
Each phase of the overall sales been successful in phase two, now
process has specific sequential steps. is the time to leverage your keeping I Channels – How They Know You
Unfortunately, some people in sales skills by following up (step seven). and How You Deliver?;
skip these steps and the end range One should use this time to ask for a J Cost Structure – What You Give;
from negative word of mouth includ- referral and to find ways to maintain and finally
ing social media reviews to no money a relationship. There are three basic
in one’s bank account and/or pockets. behaviors and skills within this K Revenues & Benefits Streams –
Marketing has two steps. First phase that are repeated with each What You Get?
is “attracting the customer” and the customer. First is calling after deliv-
second is “building the relationship.” ery of sale. Next, is to ensure 100% Here are a few questions to help you
Successful salespeople appear to satisfaction with the sale. This is the complete this schematic. Which key ac-
walk these two steps simultaneously. time to identify both happiness and tivities does one’s partner perform? Do
Reviewing the results of step one, one unhappiness with the client. Finally, they use a thought primer; consider the
can see if it was based on a simple remember to ask for the referral. economy; handle risk and uncertainty;
sign, a paid advertisement, or better The goal in this phase is three-fold: and/or acquire particular resources
yet, a referral from a happy client. 3 Referrals, Loyal Customers via and activities? The Value Proposition is
However, step two cannot be taken Top of Mind Awareness (TOMA), and probably the area with the least amount
for granted. What I have observed is Sustainable Business Growth. of clarity for most. What Value does one
many in sales especially those just deliver to the customer or client? Some
starting out who have been sold all The Third and Final Gift thought primers for this stage are
the “new sales training” is that they Have you ever read or heard of performance, customization (one size
rush step two. They hurriedly try to the Business Model Canvas? I was does not fit all), getting the job done,
get to step three in Phase Two and exposed to this business model years brand or status, and price.
therein creates a huge problem. The ago and just recently updated my Achieving next year completely
behaviors for both steps include a Canvas to reflect being in real estate. successful, would be my goal for all
smile and handshake; a message This very practical business model is businesses/salespeople. Please utilize
focused on the desired results; active all on one page and designed by www. these three holiday “gifts” and contin-
listening; asking a few open-ended The ue to educate yourself as a profession-
questions; positive body language; and website allows individuals to use his/ al salesperson, entrepreneur, and/or
permission to proceed and securing her intellectual property for free pro- business owner. Happy New Year! N
agreement. In this phase, the crux is If vided they note the source(s) on their
you don’t have a solid relationship, you canvas. This business model not only Leanne Hoagland-Smith is a clarity
will not be successful. works in alignment with the strategic strategist, solving people and process
Selling has four steps. Each step has plan but also provides additional clar- problems. As a thought leader who
a specific outcome. Step three is uncov- ity. For me, this model is the 30,000 challenges the status quo, she turns
ering gains and pains with step four viewpoint while the strategic plan is tomorrow’s goals into today’s results.
presenting the whys and why not. Step more at sea level. Follow her on Twitter @CoachLee.
NBIZ ■ December 2021 17