Page 11 - NBIZ MAGAZINE December 2021
P. 11

Houston Hotel Market Forecast

                             2020           2021          2022F          2023F         2024F          2025F

          Occupancy           41%           53%            59%            62%            63%           64%

          ADR                 $82           $86            $94           $100           $104           $107

          RevPAR            -47.2%         36.8%          22.3%           12.1%         5.7%           4.5%

         Source: McCaslin
         Hotel Consulting, LLC

        change in ADR and RevPAR for year-      With economic factors returning to a
        end 2020 compared to year-to-date
        June 2021 by type of hotel.             more normal pattern, occupancies will
           Occupancy at mid-priced hotels has
        recovered the most, followed by up-     continue to recover to 59% in 2022,
        per-priced hotels and then lower-priced   62% in 2023, and stabilize at pre-Covid
        (economy) hotels, which were im-
        pacted the least in 2020. For Average   levels at 63% in 2024 and 64% in 2025.
        Daily Rate (ADR), lower-priced hotels
        increased the most, with mid-priced
        hotels staying flat and upper-priced
        hotels continuing to decline. Overall,     Greater Houston (HLAGH) and the   RevPAR is a measure of profitabili-
        upper-priced and mid-priced hotels   economic analysis of the impact of   ty for a hotel, combining the effects of
        experienced about the same recovery   Covid-19 described above. The above   both occupancy and ADR. The result-
        at approximately 37%, which is      table shows the occupancy and ADR    ing forecast for RevPAR shows gains
        measured by Revenue Per Available   for 2020 (actual) and 2021 through   of 36.8% in 2021, 22.3% in 2022, and
        Room (RevPAR). Lower-priced RevPAR   2025 (forecast) and the RevPAR      12.1% in 2023. Then, returning to
        increased almost 14%.               percent change for 2020 (actual) and   more normal growth patterns of 5.7%
           Another factor that affects hotel   2021 through 2025 (forecast).     in 2024 and 4.5% in 2025.
        performance is the amount of new       Occupancy, ADR, and RevPAR hit      The Covid-19 pandemic created
        supply being added to the market.   bottom in 2020 due to the effects of   new challenges for the Houston hotel
        Unfortunately, there were a lot of new   Covid, as described above. However,   industry. However, Houston hotels are
        hotels under construction when Covid-  the Houston Hotel Industry has begun   on the mend and have begun their rise
        19 hit. Most of these hotels continued   its recovery. As indicated in the table,   to pre-Covid levels. As an industry of
        construction but with their opening   occupancy is forecast to increase to   optimists, the best is yet to come. N
        dates delayed due to the pandemic. All   53% in 2021. With economic factors
        totaled, there are approximately 2,200   returning to a more normal pattern,   Randy McCaslin, CEO, and Patrick
        new hotel rooms opening in 2021 and   occupancies will continue to recover   McCaslin, COO, are the Co-Founders
        2,100 in 2022. The good news is that,   to 59% in 2022, 62% in 2023, and   of McCaslin Hotel Consulting, LLC.
        once these rooms are open, very little   stabilize at pre-Covid levels at 63% in   Combined the McCaslin’s have
        new supply will be added over the   2024 and 64% in 2025.                more than 50 years of professional
        next few years, allowing the market to   ADR is estimated to increase to $86   experience in the hospitality industry.
        recover sooner.                     in 2021. As economic factors become   McCaslin Hotel Consulting, LLC has
           The forecast of the Houston MSA   more certain, ADR is estimated to   created a unique array of services to
        hotel market is based on historical   bump up to $94 in 2022, $100 in 2023,   assist with forecasting and planning
        data from STR, Inc. and Kalibri Labs,   to pre-Covid levels at $104 in 2024,   for the challenging road ahead.
        a survey of the hotel members of    and then continue to increase in 2025   More information can be found on
        the Hotel & Lodging Association of   to $107.                  

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