Page 5 - NBIZ Magazine December 2020
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conduct along with his/her emotional companies retooled their business nderstanding: To achieve a grasp of
intelligence. With my clients and model and production to supply what Unature, significance, or explanation
colleagues, I continue to share this was needed during the COVID-19 of something. Returning to the very first
simple definition of emotional intelli- pandemic. Zoom and other online word, gauge, in GRIT, understanding is
gence as “the ability to recognize and platforms became a new tool to connect the behavior after the situation has been
understand another person's emotions, with clients when air travel was non-ex- gauged. Without investing the time to
the ability to recognize and understand istent and/or extremely limited. Again, accurately gauge the situation, attempt-
your emotions, and then being able to my colleague, Nancy Proffitt, brought ing to understand it from a behavioral
manage both.” When people behave forth this question at an October 2020 perspective is far more difficult and may
with a strong foundation of emotional Zoom Conference sponsored by the lead to poor decisions.
intelligence, one of the outcomes is Trusted Advisors Network for execu-
people are then genuine and perceived tive coaches and consultants: “What irect: To proceed from one point to
by others as kind and courteous. can I do now?” This question embodies Danother in time or space without
this behavior of being timely. deviation or interruption. How often
ighteous: To act in accord with do our behaviors appear to be done
Rthe divine or moral law. This is the haphazardly? Those around from
actual definition of this word. Unfor- employees to even family members and
tunately, when many hear the word friends may find our behaviors to be
“righteous,” there is a presumption the indirect and therefore indecisive. When
person is being egotistical because of one understands the desired results
how this word has been misunderstood and behaves with graciousness, one
and misused for many years. When can be direct without being insensitive.
we are righteous, our behaviors are in During any “New Reality”, leaders
alignment with our religious beliefs, must demonstrate directness and
government laws, and/or our code of confidence so that decisions can be
moral behaviors. How we display being executed to ensure achievement of the
“righteous” is aligned with how others TRUE GRIT desired result. If leaders do not have
see our integrity. confidence in their decisions, how can
is making a those who follow have any confidence?
ttentive: To take heed, giving
Aclose and thoughtful attention. decision and nergize: To put forth energy. Of
Being attentive has always been a standing by it, E all the behaviors in GRATITUDE,
behavior present when one displays this is possibly the most important
gratitude. When one is attentive, one doing what must one. For without energy, all behaviors
places the focus on others and not be done. appear to be akin to “wet noodles.”
on one’s self. During the transition Those with GRIT have what appears
from the current reality to the “New to be ceaseless energy. They are like
Reality”, it is imperative to be aware the “Energizer bunny” who keeps
of changing demand and attitudes. mplicit: To be without doubt, abso- going and going and going. To have
By demonstrating this behavior of Ilute. The “Doubt Attitude” of “Would this energy demands the attitude
being attentive, those with GRIT are I? Could I? Should I?” can quickly of tenacity.
supporting others because they are erode and eventually destroy any As 2020 turns into 2021 and we
active listeners using their ears, eyes, decision. Those with GRIT go forward experience this “New Reality” as others
and their hearts while responding with in confidence when a decision is made. have done before us and will do after
gracious behaviors. us, GRIT and GRATITUDE will take
act: To be sensitive about what to on a new meaning for each individual.
imely: To come in early or at the Tdo or say to maintain good rela- And I wish to leave the reader with
Tright time (opportune). During tions with others. There has been much these words from my colleague, Doug
this current climate, those with GRIT disagreement with regards to COVID- Brown, “Let us lead with our hearts
have already gauged the current and 19, the 2020 election, public policy, and not with our wallets.” N
potential changes as well as the poten- etc., and what actions need to be taken.
tial impact(s) from those changes. If People have opposing viewpoints. This Leanne Hoagland-Smith is a clarity
one is lucky, the changes may come at is when the stated behavior of “we strategist, solving people and process
the right time, and the business owner agree to disagree” is necessary because problems. As a thought leader who
can see an opportune moment to pivot people with integrity do not want to challenges the status quo, she turns
one’s business to meet the changing compromise their values yet still want tomorrow’s goals into today’s results.
needs of society. For example, some to maintain good relations with others. Follow her on Twitter @CoachLee.
NBIZ ■ December 2020 5