Page 5 - NBIZ August 2020
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and Reliability, Project Scheduling and layout. When we fail to bring the list
Realistic Personal Goal Setting. IF YOU CANNOT or to plan our purchases, the results
opens the door for discussion about LEAD money spent and more self-created
From my experience in debriefing
are usually more wasted time, more
hundreds of individuals, this one
stressful situations.
talent, Realistic Personal Goal Setting,
My clients who have a plan that
self-leadership. If an individual does YOURSELF, they continually review and update,
not achieve personal goals, how can he are far more successful in all areas of
or she achieve business or organiza- YOU CANNOT LEAD their lives. Consistent, realistic per-
tional goals? sonal goal planning and setting have
Along with the Attribute Index, the added benefit of creating balance
there are two other psychometric Anyone and harmony within each individual’s
assessments that can help identify if a self-leadership experience.
person has strong leadership capabil- Else Much is also written about emo-
ities. The first one is the Dominance tional intelligence and leadership. The
(D), Inducement (I), Submission (S) and works of Daniel Goleman and others
Compliance (C), or DISC Index based Examining the DISC Index profiles, have confirmed leaders with high emo-
upon the work of William Moulton Mar- effective leaders have a high Decisive/ tional intelligence outperform leaders
ston. Innermetrix has further enhanced Interactive (D/I) and are below Stabi- who lack emotional intelligence. I
this assessment by recognizing the lizing/Cautious (S/C) line. They are have shared with my clients that
“D” for Decisive (Problems: How one “starters who fuel the actions of those emotional intelligence recognizes and
tends to approach problems and make who are more than ‘doers,’ thus, the identifies the emotions of the other
decisions); ‘I” for Interactive (People: high D/I benefits them. This pattern person, recognizes and identifies your
How one tends to interact with others (high D/I and low S/C) also makes them feelings and manages both. There are
and share opinions); “S” for Stabilizing more driven, assertive, influential and psychometric assessments that can
(Race: How one tends to pace things in more prone to lead and take charge.” help identify one’s emotional intel-
one’s environment) and “C” for Cau- Source: Innermetrix. ligence. Within the Attribute Index,
tious (Procedures: One’s preference for The Values Index revealed two top one of the critical talents is diplomacy,
established protocol/standards). values, Economic and Political, in no which can be a simple indicator of
The second assessment is known as specific order. Recognizing it is the one’s emotional intelligence.
the Values Index. Dr. Eduard Sprang- “leader’s role in business to drive reve- The final element to fail leadership
er, along with other psychologists, nue, generate value and create wealth is the lack of core values or a moral
P.E. Vernon, G. Lindzey and Gordon for the organization’s shareholders. compass. Possibly the best way to
Allport, believed an individual’s philos- The economic drive is crucial in this sum up a positive and strong moral
ophy is founded upon the values or per- role; therefore, it should be in the compass is through the definition of
sonal convictions he or she holds about top two. The political drive is equally “integrity,” which is doing the “right”
what is and what isn’t important in life. as crucial as, without it, the desire/ thing when no one is looking.
These values are in a hierarchy order. drive passion for leading others isn’t Returning to answering the ques-
Directly speaking, the Values Index is present. In the top two, this dimension tion, “why all this failed leadership?”
“the why of human performance.” supports the leader being just that—the Possibly the answer is we as leaders
There emerged a correlation leader.” Source: Innermetrix do not invest enough time to identify
among effective leaders from Inner- To develop leadership requires the leadership potential in others,
metrix’s review of thousands of At- understanding the results from the and we fail to develop the leadership
tribute Index, DISC Index and Values previously mentioned assessments potential in everyone beginning with
Index profiles. According to the and then through reflective thinking young people. And even worse, we
Attribute Index, an effective leader and planning, establishing a plan of do not know our leadership ability.
possesses a “Director Pattern” with action. President Dwight Eisenhower Maybe now is the time to reverse
an “Empathy/Systems masters” and understood the value of planning when that trend and develop the necessary
a “Practical” blind spot. This pattern he said, “plans are worthless; planning leadership traits required to be ahead
recognizes “the leader is more likely is everything.” of the flow. N
to be the captain on the bridge, not Many of us plan without thinking
the execution person who takes his or because it becomes a habit of thought Leanne Hoagland-Smith is a clarity
her eye off the objective (horizon) and or an attitude (Zig Ziglar). For ex- strategist, solving people and process
gets lost working ‘in’ the business, ample, we go to the grocery store problems. As a thought leader who
instead the Director will stay focused with a plan, a list, of what we wish to challenges the status quo, she turns
working ‘on’ it (business).” Source: In- purchase. In many instances, this list tomorrow’s goals into today’s results.
nermetrix and used with permission. is arranged to coincide with the store’s Follow her on Twitter @CoachLee.
NBIZ ■ August 2020 5