Page 14 - NBIZ August 2020
P. 14

PACE in the

        Brave New (Post-COVID- 19) World

        By Charlene Heydinger                                  ouston property owners have invested over $26 million in
                                                               energy and water-saving measures with immediate positive
                                                         Hcash flow and no out-of-pocket expenses. You can do the
                                                         same. Houston’s Property Assessed Clean Energy (TX-PACE)
        Houston’s Property Assessed                      program is a proven financial tool allowing property owners to
                                                         upgrade facility infrastructure with little or no capital outlay.
                                                            This program enables businesses and nonprofits to lower their
        Clean Energy (PACE) program                      operating costs and rely on resulting savings to pay for eligible
        enables businesses and                           water conservation, energy efficiency, resiliency and distributed
                                                         generation projects. Owners gain access to private, affordable, long-
        nonprofits to upgrade                            term financing that is not available through traditional funding
        property with energy and                         avenues. Houston PACE is a market-based, bottom-line initiative
                                                         included in, and supportive of, Houston’s Action Climate Plan.
                                                            “PACE allows property owners/developers access to long-term,
        water-saving measures that                       fixed-rate, non-recourse financing that is transferrable and cannot
        reduce operating costs,                          accelerate. It is best to compare the debt to a water/sewer assess-
                                                         ment as opposed to traditional leveraged financing. The program
        increase resiliency and create                   also allows us to finance the soft costs for obtaining financing as

        healthier buildings.                             well as capitalized interest,” states Sean Ribble, business develop-
                                                         ment director, Mountain West, Greenworks Lending.
        14  NBIZ  ■ August  2020
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