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agreed to pursue rental assistance,    Most of the programs require      Endnotes
        then the eviction case would be     landlords to accept partial payments
        abated.  At that time, the court    and/or waive late fees, penalties, and   1.
        would investigate and determine if   interest. The programs also require that   quent-questions  (last visited September 30,
        there are any outstanding rental    the landlords not pursue any judg-      2022)
        applications for the participating   ments, litigation, or other writs until   2.
        tenant. If both parties, the landlord   there is a final decision regarding the   faq/#frequent-questions
        and the tenant, express an interest   tenant’s application. Interestingly, the   3.
        in participating in the program, then   TRR landlord certification (Texas Rent   lights/  (last visited September 30, 2022)
        the court will abate the case for sixty   Relief Program Landlord Certification)   4.
        days. In order to reinstate the case,   required landlords to certify particular   faq/#frequent-questions
        the landlord would file a motion to   information including abating an   5.
        reinstate and show that the applica-  eviction case, waiving late fees, not   (last visited September 30, 2022)
        tion has been withdrawn, denied, or   charging late fees if those were above a   6.
        canceled. After the court grants the   certain percentage, etc.  In theory, the   7.    See State of Tex. Eviction Diversion Program
        motion to reinstate, it must set it a   Landlord Certification is not a bad idea.   Info. Sheet,
        trial for no more than twenty-one   Unfortunately, property managers that   media/1452487/trr-eviction-diversion-pro-
        days from the motion.               deal with the intricacies of the program   gram.pdf (last visited Jan. 21, 2022); see
           The Emergency Orders only        may not be familiar with the stringent   also Tex. Judicial Branch, Eviction Diversion
        cover evictions regarding nonpay-   requirements in the Landlord Certifica-  Program,
        ment of rent. Yet, the extent of the   tion. In other words, a landlord could   grams-services/eviction-diversion-program/
        Emergency Orders was litigated      face penalties for enforcing, collecting,   (last visited September 30, 2022)
        in a couple of cases.  An eviction   or recovering past due rent, after     In re Rent Space Mgmt LLC 2022 Tex. App. LEXIS
        also known as a “forcible detainer   accepting rental assistance.           653, *5, 2022 WL 248075
        action” is intended to be a speedy,                                      8.    Id.
        simple, and inexpensive means to    What are the Landlord’s choices?     9.    See Emergency Orders, at ¶ 5.
        obtain immediate possession of the-    Landlords may wait and abate the   10.   In re Rent Space Mgmt LLC, 2022 Tex. App.
        property.'" Coinmach Corp. v. Aspen-  case until it receives funds from the   LEXIS 653, *7, 2022 WL 24; See In re Catapult
        wood Apartment Corp., 417 S.W.3d    respective program. Alternatively,      Realty Cap., L.L.C., No. 05-19-00109-CV, 2020
        909, 919 (Tex. 2013). In re Rent    landlords may opt out of any of the     Tex. App. LEXIS 1469, 2020 WL 831611, at
        Space Mgmt LLC, 2022 Tex. App.      various programs by emailing or call-   *10 (Tex. App.—Dallas Feb. 20, 2020, orig.
        LEXIS 653, *7, 2022 WL 248075.      ing the agencies as noticed on their    proceeding) (mem. op)
        Texas Rule of Civil Procedure 510.7   respective websites. Sometimes as   11.
        (c) which governs, in part, evictions   discussed above, even opting out also   local/2021/04/28/it-was-just-a-mess-texas-
        provides that the eviction may not   entails waiting or filing motions to   rental-relief-program-has-distributed-about-
        be set out farther than 7 days unless   reinstate. Additionally, landlords may   3-of-its-billion-dollar-allotment/ (last visited
        agreed by the parties. Tex. R. Civ.    enter into settlement agreements with   September 30, 2022)
        P. 510.7.                           tenants to accept keys with a cash sce-  12.
                                            nario involving rental money already    uploads/2021/04/TRR-Landlord-Certification.
        The Realities of the Programs       paid into the registry of the court and   pdf; (last visited September 30, 2022)
           Tenants in need of assistance have   additional funds, and the tenant will
        inundated the many rental programs   voluntarily vacate by a certain date. In
        causing delays. The administrative   exchange, landlords may dismiss the
        nightmare of establishing a system   case and leave the tenant with a clean   Angeline Vachris Kell is an Attorney
        that verifies to whom to send out bil-  eviction record. Sometimes, those   at HooverSlovacek LLP. She received
        lions of federal money is daunting.    settlement agreements do not pan out,   her J. D. from South Texas College
        Tenants often lack the knowledge or   and the landlord must pursue a writ   of Law and a Bachelor of Arts with a
        access to submit the documentation   of possession.                      major in Spanish from the University
        to apply to the programs. Although     The past eighteen months have     of Texas. Mrs. Kell is the Volunteering
        the programs disbursed millions,    been especially challenging for both   and Community Outreach Chair of
        the process has been complicated    landlords and tenants due to the eco-  the Hon. Arthur L. Moller/David B.
        and slow. At times, checks would not   nomic impacts of COVID-19. It may be   Foltz, Jr. American Inn of Court.
        reach the correct landlord, get issued   exponentially more difficult to locate   Information about Mrs. Kell is
        multiple times, or go directly to the   a new tenant than it is to work with a   available at https://hooverslovacek.
        tenant. Those bureaucratic difficulties   current tenant. At least, information   com/attorneys/angeline-angie-kell/.
        signify a loss of money and time to   and knowledge about choices can help   Mrs. Kell may be contacted by email
        the landlords.                      landlords protect their rights. N    at

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