Page 13 - JUNE 2022
P. 13

ACT NOW TO GAIN A                   Maya Velis, LL.M. MSc. is an         Margaret Cook, Ph.D. joined HARC as
        COMPETITIVE EDGE FOR                environmental scientist and          a Research Associate focusing on the
        YOUR BUSINESS!                      lawyer with a background in          Texas Energy-Water Climate Nexus in
           The window of opportunity to     public policy and international      November 2020. Her research interests
        mitigate the worst impacts of climate   development finance. Ms.         include the water-energy-climate nexus
        change is closing fast. The question   Velis specializes in strategy     and connections between science and
        is no longer whether the climate is   development for climate resilience,   policy. Dr. Cook is also passionate
        changing, but how to respond to that   including critical infrastructure   about making science accessible to the
        change. Businesses should not wait   and nature-based solutions.         public.Visit
        on future climate disruption to set
        the course of action.
           As a testbed for innovative
        climate solutions, Texas is poised to
        lead in climate action. The Lone Star
        State has a unique business-friendly
        environment and public-private
        cooperation model.
           Any solution that takes off in           EMPLOYER
        Texas will likely work anywhere else.       BENEFIT SERVICES
        In addition, Texans can capitalize on
        their home state’s engines of growth
        and innovation including its vast
        capacity for clean, renewable energy
        deployment and uniquely productive
        natural ecosystems. As noted histori-
        cally, this also generates quality jobs
        – leading to double or triple wins
        through climate action.                           PLAN              PAYROLL            BENEFIT
           Proactiveness and preparedness            ADMINISTRATON       MANAGEMENT            PACKAGE
        are key to long-term resilience, and         Assistance and research   Get your employees   MARKETING
        fast movers can gain a competitive            to keep you informed   paid quickly so you   Document
        edge. Climate resilience starts with         and in compliance with   can get back to doing   administration of
                                                     state and federal laws.
                                                                                             401(k) and 403(b)
                                                                         what your company
        access to better tools to support da-                               does best.       including employee
        ta-driven understanding of climate                                                  enrollment assistance.
        impacts. Robust risk management
        and resilience strategies consider
        combinations of measures as well as
        any trade-offs. Stakeholders who are
        looking to embark on their climate
        resilience journey are encouraged to
        explore climate analytics platforms
        to get a handle on how extreme
        weather and climate policy impact
        their businesses, homes, and com-             MANAGEMENT          RESOURCES        EDUCATION AND
        munities now and in the future.                 When a claim is   CONSULTING         CONSULTING
           To lead the way to a climate resil-        made, we assist in the   Develop policies and   Cra  a competitive

        ient future, the time to act is now. N        process, from the first   procedures, address   employee benefits plan
                                                     filing of the claim to its   recruiting strategies,   to recruit and retain
                                                         resolution.   develop job descriptions.  valuable employees.
            CREATE MORE THAN                                                    PUTTING ALL THE HEALTHCARE
         1.1 MILLION JOBS                                                            BENEFIT PIECES TOGETHER
               IN TEXAS OVER                                                     OFFICE       ONLINE
                  THE NEXT                                                       713-647-9700
                25 YEARS

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