Page 18 - NBIZ Magazine 2022 February
P. 18

position and perform to their full po-   BEHAVIORAL DATA                 use that information to avoid creat-
        tential. To select the right person for                                  ing a team with too many assertive
        a specific role and nurture them for     CAN HELP PREDICT                or forceful personalities. This way,
        continued success one needs to cast        HOW SOMEONE                   organizations can utilize behavior-
        even more light on the most relevant                                     al information to resolve possible
        information-information that might        WILL BEHAVE in a               challenges before problems occur. It’s
        otherwise been hidden in the shadows      specific situation or          a proactive approach towards creating
        if one's organization relied solely on                                   successful teams.
        resumes and recommendations.             work under a certain             
                                                  manager or team.               Motivational Interests
        That’s where talent assessments                                          Assessments
        shine.                                    Using this data can              Having the right behavioral traits
                                               also help organizations           or cognitive abilities to do a job
        What Does the Right Information         discern how to coach,            can lead to success. But having the
        Look Like? The torch of the talent                                       right motivational interests for doing
        management assessment shines a          manage, and develop              a job allows an individual to excel
        light on three key areas of an individ-  individual EMPLOYEES            and engage even further. The more
        ual. Assessments measure how people                                      interested an employee is in the work
        think, work, and are motivated. They      TO ACHIEVE THEIR               they do, the more likely they are to
        illuminate the information that allows   OPTIMAL LEVEL OF                engage with their work and persist
        organizations to make smart talent                                       when challenges arise.
        decisions by considering these aspects     PERFORMANCE.                  A motivational interests assessment
        of the individual.                                                       might help a publishing firm; for
            Of course, some assessments mea-                                     instance, learn that an individual
        sure each of these aspects individually.                                 applying for a writer position named
        Other assessments, like PXT Select™,   setting the individual up with assign-  Therese enjoys imaginative and
        measure all three. Each assessment   ments that challenge and engage them.   artistic activities and the opportunity
        differs in its application, and an orga-  Everyone’s needs differ. Knowing how   to collaborate with others. Having
        nization may choose to test different   those needs vary can make all the   established their image of the ideal
        aspects of an individual depending on   difference in keeping a diverse group of   writer already, the publishing firm
        its business needs and objectives.   employees satisfied in their roles.  can offer Therese the job knowing
                                                                                 that she has the right interests and
        Here’s what each type of            Behavioral Assessments               motivation to engage fully with her
        assessment measures:                   As you might have guessed, these   work as a writer.  
                                            assessments provide an accurate       
        Cognitive Assessments               insight into people’s behaviors. They   Lighting the Way Toward
           These assessments measure an     also assess the needs and core drivers   Future Success
        individual’s ability for memory, con-  of an individual. Behavioral data can   Our innate need to illuminate the
        centration, problem-solving, and other   help predict how someone will behave   darkness—that same need that drove
        mental capabilities required to excel   in a specific situation or work under   humans to light fires and torches
        in specific jobs. When paired with data   a certain manager or team. Using   so long ago—still serves us in the
        from behavioral assessments, results   this data can also help organizations   modern world. By using data-driven
        from cognitive assessments signifi-  discern how to coach, manage, and de-  talent assessments like PXT Select to
        cantly increase an organization’s   velop individual employees to achieve   gather and evaluate information about
        ability to predict an individual’s ability   their optimal level of performance.   candidates and employees that would
        to perform their job successfully.  A behavioral assessment, for example,   otherwise remain hidden, organiza-
            A cognitive assessment could tell   might detect an individual’s tendency   tions can discover what they need
        an organization, for example, that an   to act assertively. An assertive individ-  to know to engage individuals, set
        individual engages more with their   ual like this might feel more need for   employees up for success, and enter
        work when allowed to perform intricate   control, be more competitive, and be   into a brighter future. N
        calculations and communicate complex   more achievement-oriented compared
        data to others. With this in mind, an   to their coworkers. With this insight   For more information on how you
        organization can maximize the individ-  in mind, an organization can put that   can illuminate the ambiguity in the
        ual’s talents by having them analyze   individual on a team that desperately   talent selection process and provide
        numerical data at a more advanced   needs someone with the willingness   direction in your organization, visit
        level than their position requires. The   to move and shake things up a bit. At
        organization can also make sure it’s   the same time, the organization could

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