Page 16 - NBIZ February 2021
P. 16


        By Madhu Maganti

                 he need for encryption is   another into a lengthy code making it   computer containing PII is stolen, and/
                 at an all-time high in this   unreadable for anybody else attempt-  or the information is leaked or shared.
                 COVID-19 “work from         ing to access it.                      If a laptop is lost or stolen and the
        Thome” environment with an             When the data is encrypted, the   files or disk aren’t encrypted, a thief
        increasing number of organizations   sender and the receiver are the only   can easily steal the information, so it’s
        and consumers falling victim to a whole   people, that can decrypt the scrambled   a good practice to encrypt your sensi-
        host of cybercrimes. Cybercriminals   info back to a readable condition. This   tive data, if not your entire hard drive.
        never rest, and this means that orga-  successfully happens using 'keys',   A thief doesn’t even need to know the
        nizations need to be vigilant as well as   which grants only users involved   sign-on password to access the files –
        to ensure the implementation of tough   access to modify the data to make it   it’s easy to boot a computer from a USB
        security measures.                   unreadable and then readable again.  thumb drive and then access the disks
           You will find encryption in most    Put more simply, imagine en-      within the computer.
        things that run using an internet    cryption to be like translating your   Disk encryption doesn’t protect a
        connection, from messaging apps and   information into a language only you   computer entirely. A hacker can still
        personal banking apps to websites and   and your recipient know and, more   access the computer over an insecure
        online payment methods.              importantly, which a cybercriminal   network connection, or a user can click
           For consumers, making sure        cannot translate.                   a malicious link in an email and infect
        your data cannot be stolen or used                                       the computer with malware that steals
        for ransom has never been more       Why is Encryption Important?        usernames and passwords. Those types
        important.                             The purpose of file and disk en-  of attacks require additional security
                                             cryption is to protect data stored on a   controls, like anti-malware software,
        What is Encryption?                  computer or network storage system.   firewalls, and awareness training.
           Encryption prevents unauthorized   All organizations, including small   However, encrypting a computer’s files
        access to your data, from emails to chat   and midsize businesses (SMBs), that   or the entire disk greatly reduces the
        messages and bank details, by keeping   collect personally identifiable infor-  risk of data theft.
        communication secure between the     mation (PII) like names, birthdates,
        parties involved.                    Social Security numbers, and financial   How Does Encryption Work?
           This is done by ‘scrambling’ the   information must secure that informa-  In the online world, encryption
        information sent from one person to   tion. An organization can be sued if a   disguises data rearranging the data

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