Page 4 - NBIZ October 2020
P. 4

Do You Have the


        By Leanne Hoagland-Smith, M.S.

              everal of my favorite quotes   their risks. Then there are new COVID-  hour, I began to sense some internal
              are attributed to Winston      19 overlays that continue to impede   warnings. With COVID, I noticed
        SChurchill. Probably my most         the approval of underwriters. Sellers,   many sales prospects wanted to talk
        favorite is “Courage is the ability to go   especially those who are elderly or   more than in the past because of the
        from failure to failure without losing   have underlying health conditions,   isolation. Being highly emotionally
        enthusiasm.” During the last few     are deeply concerned about the virus   intelligent, I ignored those internal
        months, I find myself often retreating   infecting their homes. Some buyers are   warning flags. Finally, when push
        to his words of wisdom.              fearful of entering houses and becom-  came to shove, and she made a verbal
           In sales, as well as life, one must   ing exposed to the virus.       commitment to make a written offer,
        have courage. There are numerous       Courage is required to fire a client.   she sent a text 45 minutes before the
        failures, deals that never materialized   Possibly the client met all the qualify-  deadline claiming more time was
        or, worse yet, deals that just came   ing criteria for your industry. Yet, in   needed. I realized she wasn’t truly
        to the finish line and then failed to   working with the client, other flags   ready to make a decision even though
        cross the finish line. Now being in real   quietly, or not so quietly, appeared.   she had assured me she was.
        estate for the last three years, until I   How often are we fearful of firing   Another Churchill quote seems
        record a sale or what I call until the “fat   a client? Our fears may have been   genuinely relevant for today. “If you
        lady sings,” the deal is still noted as   directly tied to our bank accounts or   are going through hell, keep going.”
        “pending.”                           our own sense of honor or ethics. Yet,   With all the uncertainty in the market,
           The recent COVID-19 pandemic      our intuitive sense (our gut) continues   regardless of industry, salespeople
        and historically low-interest rates have   to nag at us. And we allow our fear to   must keep going. Through Zoom’s
        created many unforeseen obstacles    ignore those little flags of warning.  technology and other platforms, we
        within the real estate industry. Lend-  Recently, I fired a real estate client   can continue to keep going, keep
        ers are worried about failed loans and   who was qualified. After the first two   selling and keep communicating with
        have increased the criteria to mitigate   conversations, which each lasted an   our sales leads and clients. The hell

        4  NBIZ  ■ October  2020
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