Page 5 - NBIZ Magazine 2022 February
P. 5

Section #1: Who Helps One’s          qualified sales leads, customers, and/  certified psychometric consultant is
        Business or Who Are the Key          or clients. For example, in real estate   that online information is general and
        Partners?                            as well as when I sold pipe valves   fails to connect all the dots. People
           Each business manages products    and fittings, I researched extensively   misunderstand the results, and this
        or services. These products or       to ensure I was offering the right   creates misdirected actions and even
        services support one’s endeavors     solution that met all criteria.     additional negative attitudes.
        as a professional business owner,
        entrepreneur, independent contractor,   Section #3: How One Defines      Section #4: How Does One Help and
        and/or even an employed sales        Oneself and What are the Key        What Value is Provided?
        professional. Additionally, key      Resources?                             Value is a frequently discussed
        partners may also provide advice,      For some, this is an abbreviated   term in business. However, in this
        help, motivation, and opportunities   resume of past and current knowledge   area, the emphasis is what job
        for sustainable growth. For some, key   and work experiences. Within this   or service has one been hired or
        partners may also include local and/  area, one may also wish to include   employed to perform. Also, what
        or national associations, foundations,   one’s attitudes, interests, and skills   benefits (results) do to the sales leads
        institutions of higher learning,     such as determined, result-focused,   and clients gain as an outcome of
        attorneys, and/or CPAs.              etc. The inclusion of contacts may also   one’s efforts? Remember, think about
                                             be beneficial. If one lacks clarity about   how to go above and beyond what
        Section #2: What One Does? or        oneself, he/she may wish to undertake   others in your industry deliver.
        What Are the Key Activities?         several psychometric assessments such
           In this area, one must list his/her   as Hartman’s Attribute Index, DISC,   Section #5: How One Develops
        key activities. Remember to include   and/or Values. Please remember to have   Client Relationships?
        not only the physical meetings, but   your results debriefed by a consultant,   Possibly this is one of the easiest
        the mental activities for sales leads,   because what I know to be true as a   areas to complete. Here one creates

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