Page 9 - NBIZ MAGAZINE December 2021
P. 9

While the Delta variant surge    p   Energy Industry – With the recent     conventions to cancel during the
        slowed the recovery of business and    return of oil prices to above $70    Fall of 2021, but the bookings
        convention demand, there are signs     per barrel, there is hope that       look strong for 2022, albeit with
        that it will begin to return in 2022, as   exploration will return soon. Many   reduced attendance.
        the number of Covid cases decline. We   drilled but uncompleted wells are   p   Business Travel – Business hotel
        expect a slow but steady recovery over   currently being completed.         bookings were sluggish through
        the next few years, as the fear associat-  p   Convention Industry – The    the first half of 2021 and have
        ed with the pandemic begins to wane.   Delta variant surge caused two       remained slow due to the Delta

        National Economy and the Impact on
        Hotel Demand
           Hotel demand on the national
        level has been affected not only by
        Covid-19 but also by many uncer-
        tainties about the future, including
        political unrest, a worldwide pan-
        demic, international travel bans,
        ongoing global tensions, and supply         EMPLOYER
        chain shortages.                            BENEFIT SERVICES
           These uncertainties affect travel
        and lodging and make it tricky to
        predict the timing of the return to
        pre-Covid levels. Things have changed
        as a result of Covid-19, which will
        result in a new normal, but no one
        knows exactly what that new normal
        will look like. Only time will tell.
                                                          PLAN              PAYROLL            BENEFIT
        Houston Hotel Market Factors                 ADMINISTRATON       MANAGEMENT            PACKAGE
           The driving forces of the Houston         Assistance and research   Get your employees   MARKETING
        economy have been affected by Covid-          to keep you informed   paid quickly so you   Document
        19. The recovery of these factors            and in compliance with   can get back to doing   administration of
                                                     state and federal laws.
                                                                                             401(k) and 403(b)
                                                                         what your company
        will determine how quickly Houston                                   does best.      including employee
        will rebound and hotel demand will                                                  enrollment assistance.
        return, as follows:
        p  Global Trade - Global trade is
           booming with the backlog of
           inventory needed to fill the
           shelves being transported into the
           Port of Houston. As the logistical
           problems are resolved, Houston is
           well-positioned to surge ahead.
        p   International Travel – Interna-           MANAGEMENT          RESOURCES        EDUCATION AND
           tional travel bans are beginning             When a claim is   CONSULTING         CONSULTING
           to ease but there are still some           made, we assist in the   Develop policies and   Cra  a competitive

           challenges. However, travel from           process, from the first   procedures, address   employee benefits plan
                                                                         recruiting strategies,
                                                                                             to recruit and retain
           Mexico is strong, increasing retail       filing of the claim to its   develop job descriptions.  valuable employees.
           sales and medical patient care.
        p   Texas Medical Center – With the
           largest medical center in the
           world, healthcare is an important                                    PUTTING ALL THE HEALTHCARE
           hotel demand source for Houston.                                          BENEFIT PIECES TOGETHER
           While both domestic and interna-                                      OFFICE       ONLINE
           tional medical care was slowed                                        713-647-9700
           by Covid, it is beginning to show
           signs of a solid recovery.
                                                                                                 NBIZ  ■ December 2021  9
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