Page 4 - NBIZ MAGAZINE December 2021
P. 4

Creating a Security Awareness Culture:

                                         WHAT IS THE

                    LEADER’S ROLE?

                                                    By Madhu Maganti

                     eople, processes, and   understand the importance of cyber-  measures desired by the organization
                     technology are often   security and uphold defined policies,   will help convey the importance of
                     seen as the three      procedures, and controls. Modifying   these goals to the employees. Negative
        Ppillars of information             the existing corporate culture to    signaling from any leaders within the
        security. Although a proper balance   incorporate this aspect of security   organization may encourage resis-
        between the three is seen as essential,   awareness will require buy-in and   tance among the employees.
        the aspects of internal culture and   support from all the leaders within the   Additionally, leaders should be on
        employee training as they relate to the   organization, who should be responsi-  the lookout for any employees who
        “people” pillar are often overlooked.   ble for the following:           are not adopting the required infor-
        An information security program is                                       mation security and should attempt
        only as strong as its weakest link. A     Supporting the Initiative.     to address the situation in a positive,
        lack of focus on the people within an  B The most important thing that   proactive manner.
        organization can lead to reduced effec-  leaders within an organization can do
        tiveness on processes and technology.  to promote a security awareness cul-   Leading by Example.
           To bolster the “people” pillar,   ture is to maintain a positive attitude  C Regardless of what leaders tell
        organizations should seek to establish   towards information security. Show-  employees, leaders who openly deviate
        an internal culture where employees   casing leaders’ support for the security   from policies, procedures, or controls

        4 NBIZ  ■ December 2021
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