Page 4 - NBIZ August 2020
P. 4



        By Leanne Hoagland-Smith, M.S.

             nce again, this issue of failed   content of one’s character.” Today one’s   who just do it. These are the extrinsic
             leadership was the elephant in   character reveals one’s actions, and it   decision-makers.
        O the room. Here was the wrong       is the actions we see, not the thoughts   Today, psychometric assessments
        person in the wrong seat. And worse   of the individual.                 based on Hartman’s work can mea-
        yet, the failure was not 100% this per-  Our character is a combination of   sure individuals’ decision-making
        son’s fault. No, much of this person’s   many factors, as well as attributes.   styles and their core attributes.
        negligence rested on the leaders’ shoul-  These attributes or talents put into   Innermetrix, a leading research,
        ders and the executives who ignored   motion our character. Knowing what   development and consultant certifi-
        the behaviors and allowed the status   those talents are is rarely identified   cation company, has developed a psy-
        quo to continue. I have witnessed    because behind those talents are the   chometric assessment, the Attribute
        unsuccessful leadership time after time   “values” that each individual holds   Index. This assessment can identify
        despite all the books, resources, we-  dearly, or not so dearly.         the leadership capabilities through
        binars, training and coaching around   Dr. Robert Hartman recognized this   external and internal decision-making
        this topic of leadership.            disconnect between the “values” and   styles, along with 72 talents.
           Maybe now is the time to answer   the talent. He was a scientist who pio-  In working with The Trusted Advi-
        this question: Why does failed leader-  neered “axiology,” which is the study of   sor’s Network (TAN), this collaboration
        ship continue to happen?             the nature of value and valuation. Dr.   identified three categories for those
           My sense is the first reason is   Hartman is now considered the father   in executive leadership roles: Overall
        people think of leadership respective   of axiology. Hartman developed the   Leadership, Overall Organizational and
        to others and not to themselves. Since   Hartman Value Inventory, which psy-  Time Management. The scores for each
        I started my executive consulting and   chologists and others use to measure   of these categories originated from spe-
        coaching practice, I believe leader-  an individual’s character.         cific talents. Overall leadership consist-
        ship begins within everyone. If you    Hartman discovered human beings   ed of these top five attributes or talents
        cannot lead yourself, you cannot lead   make decisions about the outside world   for executive leaders: Accountability
        anyone else.                         and their inside world through three   for Others, Balanced Decision Making,
           Most public schools do not teach   filters. These filters are Systemic Think-  Developing Others, Leading Others and
        this concept of self-leadership. Lead-  ing (Head), Intrinsic Thinking (Heart)   Understanding Motivational Needs.
        ership is viewed as being involved in a   and Extrinsic Thinking (Hands).   The Overall Organizational catego-
        not-for-profit organization or partici-  Many of us have experienced a   ry included these five talents: Concrete
        pating in a “clean our neighborhood”   workplace environment where employ-  Organization, Integrative Ability, Prac-
        day or being elected to some role on a   ees think a lot about making decisions.   tical Thinking, Proactive Thinking and
        student council.                     Then there are the employees who    Results Orientation. Within the Time
           What does it take to become a     feel a lot about the decisions. They   Management category, these talents
        self-leader? Dr. Martin Luther King   are concerned about the feelings of   were present: Attention to Detail,
        recognized the importance of “the    others. Finally, there are the employees   Concrete Organization, Consistency

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